API Reference


Returns a PluvIO instance.

Creates a server-side PluvIO client that will create rooms to register your websockets to. Below will show a available configurations for createIO. To learn more about createIO, read Authorization, Cloudflare Workers, Node.js and PubSub.

1import { createIO } from "@pluv/io";
2import { platformNode } from "@pluv/platform-node";
3import { z } from "zod";
4import { db } from "./db";
6const io = createIO({
7 // Optional: if provided, defines authorization for rooms created by io
8 authorize: {
9 // If required is false, users can authenticate for a room to
10 // attach an identity to their presence. Otherwise they will be
11 // anonymous.
12 required: true,
13 // The secret for generating your JWT
14 secret: process.env.PLUV_AUTH_SECRET!,
15 // The shape of your user object. `id` must always be required.
16 user: z.object({
17 id: z.string(),
18 // Here is an additional field we wish to add.
19 name: z.string(),
20 }),
21 },
22 // Optional. Only needed to load persisted storage for rooms.
23 // Load storage for a newly created room.
24 initialStorage: async (room: string) => {
25 const existingRoom = await db.room.findUnique({ where: { room } });
27 return existingRoom?.encodedState ?? null;
28 },
29 // Enable @pluv/io for Node.js
30 platform: platformNode(),
31 // Optional. Only needed for persisting storage for rooms.
32 // Before the room is destroyed, persist the state to a database
33 // to load when the room is re-created.
34 onRoomDeleted: async (room: string, encodedState: string) => {
35 await db.room.upsert({
36 where: { room },
37 create: { encodedState, room },
38 update: { encodedState },
39 });
40 },
41 // It is unnecessary to save the storage state in this listener.
42 // If a room already exists, users will load the currently active
43 // storage before the storage from initialStorage.
44 onStorageUpdated: (room: string, encodedState: string) => {
45 console.log(room, encodedState);
46 },


This is the client returned by createIO.


Returns Promise<string>.

Creates a JWT for a user trying to connect to a room. This should be called within a custom authentication endpoint you define. See Authorization for more information.

1const token = await io.createToken({
2 room: "my-example-room",
3 user: {
4 id: "abc123",
5 name: "leedavidcs",
6 },


Returns PluvIO.

Adds a new type-safe event to be broadcasted from PluvClient. See Define Events for more information.

1import { createIO } from "@pluv/io";
2import { platformNode } from "@pluv/platform-node";
3import { z } from "zod";
5const io = createIO({ platform: platformNode() })
6 // When event "SEND_MESSAGE" is sent by the frontend and received
7 // on the server
8 .event("SEND_MESSAGE", {
9 // Define a zod validation schema for the input
10 input: z.object({
11 message: z.string(),
12 }),
13 // Emit a "MESSAGE_RECEIVED" from the server to the client
14 resolver: ({ message }) => ({ MESSAGE_RECEIVED: { message } }),
15 })
16 .event("EMIT_EMOJI", {
17 input: z.object({
18 emojiCode: z.number(),
19 }),
20 resolver: ({ emojiCode }) => ({ EMOJI_RECEIVED: { emojiCode } }),
21 });


Returns IORoom.

Retrieves a room by room name if it already exists. If the room doesn't already exist, the room is created and returned.

1const room = io.getRoom("my-example-room");


This is the room returned by PluvIO.getRoom. This is what websockets are registered to.


Returns void.

Broadcasts an event to all connected websockets to the room.

1room.broadcast("EMIT_EMOJI", {
2 emojiCode: 123,


Type of string.

This is the id of the room, when the room was created.

1const roomId = room.id;


Returns Promise<void>.

Registers a websocket to the room. Accepts a secondary options parameter to pass-in a token for authorizing the room. Read Cloudflare Workers, Node.js and Authorization to learn more.

1// const token: string = ...
3room.register(webSocket, { token })